In a country, which has known civil war, pillaging, and every kind of violence for almost twenty-five consecutive years, the term "status" is nonexistent. If the lands, villages and houses are devastated, the herds wiped out, the few earthly possessions confiscated; the lives, they have been stolen. Stolen through murder, child military enrollment, rape… And stolen still by exile and separation. Twenty-two years of conflict have shattered the family structure in Somali society. Often broken down by too many ordeals, the women are continually confronted with problems related to primary needs, namely lodging and food.
Without resources, in outmost despair and no future in sight, space and time tend to dissipate, even if the latter seems to drag on endlessly. For these women are waiting. They await a homecoming, news, hope. Sometimes, worse still: they await nothing.
It is in this context, absent of any social ranking whatsoever, that these images and testimonies rank as timeless icons of fear and suffering; maybe, but all things considered, Life is unquestionably there.
Kaltum Hassan Maxamed (June 2012)
I’m 26 years old medical doctor, I arrived in Mogadishu in 2003. Before I lived in Saudi Arabia for over 16 years. My dream: Peace of course and I want to see my country becoming a developed country with a proper health care access, women having senior positions and children having, as fundamental right, education…
Maryam Maxamuud (May 2012)
I’m form Mogadishu, I have 10 children and 26 grandchildren. I’ve been facing many problems during 90’s civil war day thereafter and sporadically I’ve been facing hunger, disease but I’m an old woman, who cares? My dream: Proper education for our children and good health care access...
Amino Maxamed Maxamuud (June 2012)
I arrived in Mogadishu 3 years ago. My husband left me, so I'm alone with my 2 children. As only income I’m selling tea. but I cannot do anything, I'm just surviving and trying to get enough food for my children. My dream: I have no idea, whatever Allah is offering me...
Ilford HP5 Plus, 120 Roll Film '6x6' - Focal Length 80mm